Thursday, August 4, 2011

WAEYC launches "virtual book club"

Always wanted to be in a book club but haven't found the time? Our partners at the Washington Association for the Education of Young Children (WAEYC) have just launched an online book club. It's a great opportunity for parents and early learning professionals to learn some simple ways to build lifelong skills in young children.

Mind in the MakingEach month for seven months, participants will explore how to guide children to reach their fullest potential through one of seven life skills: Focus and Self Control; Perspective Taking; Communicating; Making Connections; Critical Thinking; Taking on Challenges; and Self-Directed, Engaged Learning. The book club is based on the book "Mind in the Making" by Ellen Galinsky, president and co-founder of the Families and Work Institute.

Washington STARS Credit and OSPI Clock Hours available for participating in the webinars.

Visit to learn more and sign up!

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